Mission Trip: Morgan, Utah

October 4, 2025

 - October 10, 2025

Mission Trip: Morgan, Utah

Mission Trip - Morgan, Utah - October 2025

From Oct 4-10th, 2025 we will be taking a team of servants to go and assist a North American Mission Board church plant, Morgan Grace Church, in Morgan, Utah. Morgan is approx. 45 minutes north of Salt Lake City. Morgan Grace is the only evangelical church in the entire county. We partnered with Morgan Grace in 2021 and send them monthly support to help them advance the kingdom of God in a very dark place where Mormonism has an embedded stronghold and where atheism is on a meteoric rise.

This trip will consist of us loving on the community of Morgan, Utah through various work days, benevolence ministries and sharing the gospel. This trip will also consist of us loving on and encouraging the faithful members of Morgan Grace who are on the frontlines of a very hard place to be a born again believer.

The current plan as it stands is to have the 4th and 10th as travel days. Two days for activities and sight seeing of the beautiful area and 4 days of serving in the community and sharing the gospel.

Current estimated cost of the trip is $1,500 which covers your hotel, airfare and food for the trip. Any souvenirs would be at your own expense. A $500 deposit is required to hold your spot on this team and the deadline to sign up is July 1st. (The two remaining payments for this trip of $500 each will be due on 8/1/25 and 9/1/25.)