New Here?
We can't wait to meet you!

We're so glad you're here!
Each Sunday at 9:00am and 11:00am we gather together as a Community of believers to express our love, gratitude and reverence to the only One worthy of our praise and worship, God Almighty. We express these with transformed hearts and transformed lives by the power of Christ through songs of praise, the study of God's word and Christ-centered fellowship.
Here at Community we stand united as a forever family reflecting the reality of the kingdom to come which will not be experienced in isolation but will be enjoyed for eternity with all fellow believers of every tongue, tribe and nation. We truly are better together. We encourage you to come as you are but also to come fully expecting God to move. Our prayer is that everyone leave our gathering having witnessed God-glorified, Christ-centered and Spirit filled worship.
What to Expect
Authentic Worship
At Community, we believe that a natural reflection of our love for God is worship. And that worship should invade every aspect of our lives.
We look for God’s love in our lives as the evidence that we have been truly worshipping Him. At Community, worship is more than songs we sing it is lives we live. Worship means learning to recognize God’s goodness while delighting to deepen in our responses.
It means purposing together, as individuals and as a community, to unite our actions, intentions, and emotions in loving response to God. It means transforming the ways we think so that what we do and who we are become one—in, for, through, and to the Father, Son, and Spirit.
Teaching from Scripture
We believe that exegetical preaching of God's Holy Word is the catalyst for transformation in an individual's life. Scripture is inspired by God, completely accurate and our authority regarding Christian beliefs and the guide for Christian living.
We value Scripture—the Bible—as the basis for understanding who God is and how to orient our lives fully around Him. You can expect that each Sunday morning will include a set-aside time for hearing from Scripture, as well as practical teaching surrounding God's Word.
Plan Your Visit
If you're planning on joining us we'd love to know so that we can help show you around. Please let us know what service you plan on attending and who all you plan on having to join you!